Teachers are the main communicators in service. They lead the lesson through presenting the Bible point(s) for the day, beginning and directing discussion, and leading activities.
Monitors assist teachers in any way needed. From making sure everyone is listening to supporting the teachers, this is a highly important role and paves the way for an atmosphere of learning and safety.
Stage Decorators dress our stage each month to reflect the theme for the month. For example, January 2018’s theme was “Work It Out”, a gym inspired layout to emphasize our lessons on commitment. We filled the stage with various exercise equipment, a tumbling mat, a scale, and other items that were relevant for creating the environment. This role only requires a few hours once a month.
If there is a way in which you would like to serve but is not listed in the form, feel free to select “Other” and explain in the comments section.
If you are interested in serving but are unsure of what role you are interested in filling, all you have to do is select “Unsure”.
Thank you so much for expressing interest in serving the kids here at Father’s Vineyard!