Power Up With Confidence – May Theme

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 We might try to base our confidence on what we do well, or what someone might say about us. But true confidence should be built on something different. We think it’s found in understanding how God is both big enough to create the universe, but also close enough to be right here with us. We know that we can trust God no matter what. We are crated in God’s image. And God loves us so much! Nowhere is this more evident than in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And, when we trust Jesus with our life, the Holy Spirit is there to help us face whatever comes our way. We can respond to God’s love and care with confidence!

Growing From The Ground Up – April 2023

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We live in a “me-centered” world, where people act as if the world revolves around them. It can be hard to figure out how to be humble throughout the different circumstances we face. Thankfully, we don’t have to figure this out on our own. When Jesus was on earth, He gave us the ultimate example of humility. Jesus is God, and He put thataside for us. Through His life and death, Jesus also showed us how to serve others and put them first.

Work In Progress – March 2023

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No matter how much we mess up, God will always forgive us. Jesus even chose to forgive those who were crucifying Him. Because God forgives us, we should work hard to forgive others. So, come join us as we learn how we are a work in progress, living for God! 

Ride With Respect – February 2023 Series

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We often think about respect in terms of vertical relationships with have with others—respect for parents, teachers, and people in authority. Those are important, but equally important are the more horizontal relationships we have with people, like siblings, friends, and even people we may not get along with. This idea of valuing others and having mutual respect is seen all throughout Scripture and is a necessary way to communicate with others and demonstrate God’s love with them. 

We see throughout Scripture that all people have value because they were created in God’s image. God values us and wants a forever relationship with us. God sent Jesus to make that possible. We follow God’s example when we show others that they have value too. 

The Big Give – December 2022 Series

Over the past four months, we’ve taken students through the Old Testament. We’ve seen the evidence of God’s love for us, learned we can trust Him, and added grit and courage to our tool belt of faith. Now we begin the transition to the New Testament!

James, the brother of Jesus, wrote that every good and perfect gift comes from God, but the best gift God ever gave was Jesus. From the beginning, God has had a plan to rescue the world from the consequences of sin. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan. Because of Jesus, it’s possible for us to have a relationship with God that will last forever. As we remember the Christmas story, we take time to celebrate the greatest gift the world has ever known.

To find out what we’re talking about each week this December, take a look at the video below and get ready for the big give!

Stand – November 2022 Series

This month as we continue our journey through God’s Big Story, we take a closer look at the lives of significant people in the Jewish Scriptures: Joshua and Caleb, David, Daniel, and Esther. Each of them trusted God and found the courage to face difficult circumstances. They also represent major time periods in Israel’s history—from entering the land of Canaan, the United Kingdom, and Exile.

Like these people we read about in the Old Testament, God may ask us to take a risk or do something we might not feel prepared to do. But God will also give us the courage we need to face that challenge. We can also look to Jesus. He faced the biggest challenge of all: death on the cross. Still, He chose to be brave and follow God’s plan.

To see what we’re talking about each week, take a few minutes to watch this video, and don’t forget to bring your elementary students every Sunday at 10:30 am as we find courage in God.

Cliffhanger – October 2022 series

As we continue our journey through God’s Big Story, we take a closer look at the lives of Joseph and Moses. Both of these men trusted God through hard circumstances and would not give up. These are two heroes of the faith, and we hope to help kids see how their stories connect between Genesis and Exodus. God has been faithful throughout history and has helped people get through and overcome incredible difficulties. God’s Son, Jesus, endured the pain of the cross and death itself so that we could have a forever relationship with God. God gives us the Holy Spirit to empower us to keep going, even when life gets difficult.

Check out the video to get a weekly breakdown of this awesome series!