Thought for Today: Worship is mostly your daily life with The Lord . ( not just a song or dance)

I have for many years said a daily prayer ” Thank you God for this beautiful day you have given us to live by”.   Recently I was thinking about my wording on this prayer.  Let’s look at the words “given us”. As I thought about this, I was realizing that deep inside I meant us as( You “Jesus” and me ” Charlie” )with each other. Living together with The Lord.  Thinking about this I know there are scriptures that say we are in God. ”  In Him we live and move and have our being”  We also Live For God ! We are created for Him and called for His purposes. Also for the part”Given Us to live by ” Scripture tells us that we are co-laborers with Christ.  So Thank you God for this day you have given us (me and You ) to Live by!

Charlie Hopper