Things we want…

Reading a book by Phil Joel, bass player for Newsboys United and founder of the band Zealand. He made a comment that has stuck with me and is challenging me as well. He said that “it’s inside of us to want these things, and it’s okay because that’s how God made us”. He points out that we all want to be seen-recognized (some more than others-my own observation). We also want to be understood-approved of. And the third thing Phil saw was/is that we all want to be loved-deeply valued.

In my years of youth ministry, I totally agree with these “desires”. I further agree with Phil Joel that it IS OK to want these things. My question is to youth and adults alike is this. How do we try to meet these legitimate needs? I have spent plenty of time in my life trying to meet these legitimate needs by illegitimate means. I’ll end with a quote from Jim Carey. He once said; “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” Be careful who you compare yourself and your life to, especially on social media. Remember, you’re only getting the “highlight reel”.

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